Outrageous Fake KFC Restaurants

Located in Haiyuan, north-central China’s Ningxia province, FCK “Tea and Hamburger” means no offense in their ongoing effort to serve Fried Chicken Kentucky-style, along with tea and hamburgers (also presumably Kentucky-style). Full props to Canadian English teacher Alison Lentz for discovering the joy of FCK and photo-documenting its graffiti-scarred existence on her blog.

Great Iranian Fried Chicken

“The name of our restaurant is KFC, but we’re not an American brand. We’re not an American company… Iranian KFC — and not American — has been inaugurated.” The Iranian businessman, Amir Hossein Alizadeh, was quoted in early 2012 as he prepared to open the first of many personalized (or Persianalized) KFC’s planned for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Chinese Sweat Shop

This Chinese KFC-wannabe opened in 2007 and the public seems to have a soft spot for the “long-lost sister” of KFC’s Colonel Sanders. How sweet! Now it turns out the name of the chain is “Ji’a’po”, which translates to “Sweaty Granny”, a derogatory term used by uncouth Chinese men to curse women. Naturally, KFC was less than pleased with the name and the obvious brand infringement so they took their case to China’s State Administration for Industry & Commerce. Naturally, the SAIC told KFC they had no basis for a case and (quite possibly) called their rep a Ji’a’po on her way out.

Your Colonel, My King

Ever wonder what kind of success Harland Sanders might have had if he started off serving buckets of potatoes instead of fried chicken? Wonder no more! If the image above (kudos to Sam Reeves of Chinese Culture) is any indication, he would have succeeded big time – in China, at least. Then he’d have to defend his copyright against a host of predatory American noodle-making imitators.


So you’re hungry for fried chicken in Asia and you decide to take a chance on KFG… but which KFG will you choose? Either way, odds are you’ll be tossing and turning later that night while the hearing the voice of the crusader from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade whispering “You chose poorly.”

Ve Have Vays To Make You Cluck

You know who else opened a fake KFC outlet in Thailand? Yep, THAT guy… wait, wasn’t Der Fuhrer a vegetarian? Bangkok Dangerous indeed. KFC caught wind of the soon-to-open outlet in mid-2013 and threatened a lawsuit while issuing the following statement: “We find it extremely distasteful and are considering legal action since it is an infringement of our brand trademark and has nothing to do with us.” The store eventually opened as “UEU” instead of “Hitler” though the bizarre Fuhrer Sanders graphic remained. 


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About Unknown

Livy Moyo is a Travel blogger and a researcher specialize in Asian countries related in Asian cultures, Tourist spots, Asian foods, Bizarre places and History.
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